
Friday, July 22, 2011


Jalebiiiiiiiii...... Remember that cute kid in Dhara advertisement, who had left his house because he thought no one loved him but returned for jalebis... ha ha ha.. I would too... who doesn't love jelebis...
jalebi has to be a part of any party, wedding or birthday buffet. Or even when it is raining. You really don't need reason for it. Aahh... my mouth waters while I write this.
For instant preparation, you can buy the jalebi mix from the store and make it, but incase you want to make the mix at home, here is the recipe..

Ingredients :

For Jalebi Batter :

  • All Purpose Flour ( Maida ) - 1/2 cup
  • Gram Flour ( Besan ) - 1 tsp
  • Yeast - 1/2 tsp
  • Lukewarm Water - 1/3 cup
  • Oil - 1/2 tsp
  • Sugar - 1/2 tsp

For syrup:
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Cardamom Powder - a pinch
  • Food color ( Yellow or Orange ) - a pinch
  • Lemon Juice - 1 tsp

We also need :

  • Oil - for deep frying
  • Piping bag / empty ketchup or musturd bottle

Directions :

Batter :

  • Dissolve the yeast in luke warm water and let it sit for 5 minutes.
  • In a mixing bowl, mix both the flours, sugar and oil together.
  • Add the yeast solution and food color to this flour mixture and mix well making sure no lumps are formed.
  • The consistency of the batter should be like that of a pancake batter or Dosa batter, neither too thick nor too thin.
  • Leave the batter for fermentation for one hour. Do NOT over ferment it.


  • Boil sugar and water together on medium till it reaches one thread consistency.
  • Add cardamom powder and lemon juice. Turn off the heat. We add lemon juice to the syrup so that the syrup does not solidify when it cools.

Note: One-Thread Consistency can be tested like this : Take out one or two drops of syrup and when it cools down a bit, take it with your forefinger , and then touch your forefinger and thumb together and pull apart gently. While doing so if the single thread is formed without breaking immediately, that is called One-Thread Consistency.

Jalebi :

  • In a flat frying pan, heat the oil for deep frying.
  • Check if the oil has reached the right temperature. There are two ways to check. One, if you have candymaking thermometer, the temperature should be 350 F. Second, if you do not have it, then put a drop of batter in the oil . That batter should neither puff up immediately, nor should it take too long. It should sit at the bottom for 2-3 seconds before it pops up. That is the right temperature.
  • Fill the jalebi batter into the empty ketchup bottle or piping bag ( I use the bottle ).
  • Squeeze the batter into the hot oil in round pretzel shape . ( Traditionally , round is the shape, but if you are crazy enough, try star or square shape ... why not ?? ) But whatever shape you chose make sure you do it in 2-3 seconds before the jalebi puffs up on the surface.
  • Let them fry for 30-40 seconds and toss them to the other side. Fry till jalebis are golden on both the sides.
  • Transfer the jalebi into the warm sugar syrup. Let them soak in the syrup for 2-3 seconds and take out in the serving plate.
  • Serve hot.

Slurrpppppp !!!!!

Note : The measurements I have mentioned will make 8-10 jalebis. If you want more, you can increase the quantity accordingly.

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