
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Banana Peda

Banana Peda is made out of ripe bananas and can be made with minimum ingredients. When the banana gets too ripe and gets those black spots all over, no one in my family likes to eat it. So , this is one of the ways to use such bananas.

Ingredients :

  • Ripe Bananas - 2
  • Sugar - 2 tsp
  • Ghee ( Clarified Butter )- 1 tbsp
  • Roasted Cashewnuts - 4

Directions :

  • Heat ghee in a pan, roast the cashew nuts in it for just about a minute till they turn golden. Remove them and keep aside for garnishing at the end.
  • Mash the bananas and put them in the same ghee.
  • Add sugar and keep stirring .
  • Fry till banana turns dark in color. It might take around 6-8 minutes. Stir continuously.
  • Off the flame when the banana paste thickens.
  • Let it cool. When it cools it turns little harder. You should be able to make balls out of it.
  • They are balls of halwa consistency ( not as hard as other ladoos )
  • Garnish with placing roasted cashew nut on each of the peda.

Each banana will make 2 pedas.


  1. Intresting, This sure is some thing i'd like to try, probably after this Friday i will do it, b'cuz i'll be having lotsa banana's then :)

    Aakasavani :)

  2. Sure Aakasavani !! LOL .. I guess it's Lekha !!
