
Sunday, September 18, 2011

Onions make you cry ?? :((

While cutting onions, some sort of irritants are released which reach our eyes and then we cry like we are watching an emotional drama.
My tears would not stop even 10 minutes after I am done cutting onions.
Many people told different tips like lighting a candle near the onion while cutting or chewing the gum etc. Nothing really worked for me.

  • One thing that worked was cooling the onions before cutting them. Keep the onions in fridge for about 1-2 hours before cutting them. (This works best for me )
  • Turn on the exhaust fan or vent while cutting , so that the irritants are pulled away from you.
  • Try the candle trick if it works for you. Light a candle near the onions while cutting them. The irritants are said to be sucked in by the flame. ( I didn't find it that useful though, may be it works for you )
  • Or, wear your swimming glasses while cutting them ( Warning : you might be laughed at by your husband or kids)

If you know of any other tip, please mention in the comment section.


  1. Cut the onions into two parts, Leave them in water for 5-10 mins... Works :)

  2. Thanks Sujaya for the tip :) Shall try the next time
