
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Egg Paratha


  • Whole Wheat Flour - 2 cups or as needed
  • Egg -1 
  • Tomatoes finely chopped - 2 tbsp
  • Onions finely chopped - 2-3 tbsp
  • Cilantro finely chopped - 2-3 springs
  • Green Chilies finely chopped- to taste ( optional )
  • Salt -to taste
  • Red Chili Powder - to taste ( optional )

Directions :

  • Knead the dough for paratha and let it rest. Click here for the recipe 
  • Beat Egg and add all the remaining ingredients in it.The egg filling is ready. The mixture made of 1 egg can be filled in 2 parathas. So adjust the quantity accordingly. Keep this aside. 
  • Divide the dough into equal size portions and make lime sized balls.
  • Roll out a ball  into a 4-5 inch disc.
  • Drizzle few drops of oil onto the rolled out chapati and evenly coat it all over.
  • Fold the disc into half forming a semi-circle, coat the surface with few more drops of oil.
  • Again fold the semi-circle into half forming a triangle.
  • Dip this triangle into the dry flour and coat all the sides.
  • Roll it out again with a rolling pin. Try to maintain the triangular shape.
  • Place this rolled out triangular paratha onto a hot tava or griddle and flip it in a minute.
  • Cook the other side for just half a minute.
  • With the help of a butter knife or the handle of the spoon or fork, gently open up the top layer of the paratha to form a pocket where we can pour our filling.
  • Pour in half of the egg mixture into the pocket. Do not press the paratha at this time , the mixture might ooze out.
  • Let it cook on low-medium heat for about half a minute till the egg inside is semi cooked.
  • Sprinkle few drops of oil on the surface of the paratha and gently flip making sure the egg filling doesn't ooze out.
  • Let it cook on low-med heat, pressing slightly until the egg is completely cooked inside.
  • Serve hot with green chutney or pickle or curds.

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