
Monday, November 19, 2012

Ghee ( Clarified Butter )

Ghee, one of the most essential ingredients in the Indian kitchen. Used to make most of the sweets, used for tadka in any dal or curry, used to make parathas, or even just drizzle some ghee in rice. It is used in most of the recipes.
My mom used to collect the cream of the milk for several days and then make ghee out of it. However, It's much easier and quicker to make ghee with store bought butter.
Here is the method to make ghee.


  • Unsalted Butter - 1 lb or as needed

  • Place the butter in heavy bottom pan. Let all the butter melt in the pan. Cook uncovered.

  • Bring it to boil over medium heat. Keep stirring. 
  • It will form a foam on the surface which will disappear in a couple of minutes.

  • Continue to cook on medium heat. Foamy bubbles start to form at the surface.

  • Reduce the heat to low and let simmer. Keep stirring. Don't take your eyes off the stove. It might burn in seconds.
  • The brown solids will now settle down at the bottom and the the liquid will turn beautiful golden in color. Turn off the heat now, as you do not want to burn the brown solids. 
  • Let it cool. When cooled strain into a clean air tight jar.

  • You can store it on the kitchen counter. It need not be refrigeratred. It will solidify after a couple of hours.

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