
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Fried Plantain

Plantains are the sort of banana which are used for cooking in contrast to the fruit banana which can be eaten raw or used in shakes or puddings.
Plantains are green in color which gradually turn yellow and eventually black.
When the plantains are green, we use them to make currys, when they turn yellow, you can make these fries , and when they turn black, do not throw them, you can still make fritters with them, by adding flour to it.

Fried Plantain is the quickest appetizer. It is just a 2 step recipe: cut and fry. simple.
You must use the ripe plantain, i.e when the skin is turning yellow and has some black spots on it.


  • Plantains - 2
  • Salt - 2-3 pinches
  • Oil - for deep frying


  • Peel the plantains. Chop them diagonally of about half an inch tickness.
  • Sprinkle salt over the pieces and toss them well.
  • Deep fry the plantains in hot oil and fry till they turn brown from both the sides.
  • Remove on kitchen towel.
  • They can be eaten by themselves, however you can have them with a dip of your choice.

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