
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Home Made Curd ( Dahi )

You can make curd at home with milk and needs some fermentation in a warm temperature.
In colder places you will have to find a warmer spot inside the house where is can be kept for fermentation for example inside the oven.


  • Whole Milk - 4 cups ( quantity depending on how much curd you want to set )
  • Starter Curd ( culture ) - 1 tbsp ( I prefer full fat curd for culture )
  • First, boil the milk on stove top or in microwave.
  • Let the milk cool down in room temperature till it is luke warm. 
  • Now add the starter curd ( culture ) in the milk and mix it well with the whisk.
  • Transfer it into the bowl with a lid in which you want to set the curd.
  • In the warmer place you can cover and leave it on the counter for 5 hrs for it to set.
  • However, in colder places, you will need to put in in a preheated oven.
  • Preheat the oven at the minimum temperature ( say 170 or 180 deg F ) and turn it OFF.
  • Now place this bowl in it and leave it undisturbed for 5 hrs or even overnight. 
  • Once the curd is set, refrigerate it. 

  • Whole milk yields a thick curd or yogurt.
  • Use the full fat yogurt as the starter curd for better results.
  • Make sure while you add the starter curd ( culture ), the milk is neither too hot nor too cold. The curd will not set at all.
  • It should be warm. Touch the milk with your finger it can be slightly more than luke warm.
  •  The longer you keep the curd outside the sour it becomes.

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