
Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Pyaaz Ke Pakode ( Onion Pakoras )

What is the first thing that crosses your mind when the weather is like this:

Don't you want to eat hot crispy pakoras with some tea? I am sure.. haha
That's what I did too... Came home immediately and quickly made some onion pakoras.

Now I am going to give you the basic pakora recipe with the minimum ingredients.
You can modify by adding many more ingredients like ginger, garlic, curry leaves, cilantro, fennel seeds, etc.


  • Onion - 2 medium ( I prefer red onions )
  • Besan ( chickpea flour ) -  3/4 cup
  • Rice Flour - 1/4 cup
  • Red Chili Powder - to taste
  • Chopped Green Chilies - 1or 2
  • Chopped Cilantro - 2 tbsp
  • Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Carom Seeds - 1/4 tsp
  • Salt - to taste
  • Oil - for deep frying


  • Slice onions lengthwise. Add salt. turmeric, chili powder, carom seeds to it , mix well and let it rest for 10 min. It will release some water. That way you will not need to add more water to make the mixture.

  • Now add besan and rice flour, green chilies, cilantro and mix in such a way that the flour is just enough to coat the onions.
  • You might not have to add water at all 'coz of the water released from the onions. But if you think it's not sufficient then add water by teaspoon, very little at a time.

  • Heat oil in a pan for deep frying. When the oil is hot, drop small portions of the mixture into the oil and fry till golden brown on all the sides tossing them in between.
  • Using a slotted ladle take them out on a paper towel so that the excess oil is drained out. 
  • You can sprinkle some chat masala on the pakoras as soon as you take them out from oil. ( optional )
  • Serve hot with ketchup or green chutney .along with hot tea or coffee.

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