
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Carrot-Raddish Chatpata Salad

With Chapati , curry and raita, we like some kind of salad for accompaniment. We usually eat sliced cucumber, onion or beet root. This is a slight variation to that salad. We do not slice them but shred them and flavour them with chillies and lime juice.
You can make with with carrots alone or raddish ( daikon ) alone or both mixed together.

Carrots and Raddish Mixed

  • Carrots - 2
  • White Raddish ( Daikon ) - 1 small or half of big one.
  • Lemon or Lime Juice - 3 tbsp or to taste
  • Salt - little bit for seasoning
  • Green Chillies - 2-3 or to taste
  • Chopped Cilantro - 2 springs

  • Shred carrots and raddish in a mixing bowl. ( either or both )
  • Add all the other ingredients. Mix well. Adjust all the ingredients to taste.
  • You can either serve immediately or store it in fridge for a couple of days in a covered box. Raddish has a strong odor so storing it uncovered might spread the odor in the entire fridge.
With Carrot

With Raddish

You can add black pepper powder or chat masala too, if you like .
Enjoy this chatpata salad alongside with roti or paratha and curry.

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